Falso's team monitored a systematic disinformation campaign and false allegations, targeting the Deputy Prime Minister in the Government of National Unity and the Minister of Health Ramadan Bujnah, and the Minister of Labor Ali al-Abed. They are accused of signing "suspicious agreements" with international organizations allegedly aiming at fighting the Islamic religion, settling irregular migrants and supporting homosexuality.

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Did the Ministers of the Government of National Unity sign suspicious agreements?

By aram aram

August 14, 2023

Did the Ministers of the Government of National Unity sign suspicious agreements?


Falso’s team monitored a systematic disinformation campaign and false allegations, targeting the Deputy Prime Minister in the Government of National Unity and the Minister of Health Ramadan Bujnah, and the Minister of Labor Ali al-Abed. They are accused of signing “suspicious agreements” with international organizations allegedly aiming at fighting the Islamic religion, settling irregular migrants and supporting homosexuality.

Ramadan Bujnah, deputy Prime Minister in the Government of National Unity, was accused of signing an agreement with an Italian organization called Arapache for Peace, which aims at settling migrants in southern Libya by supporting agricultural reforms and encouraging people to live in the agricultural fields. 


Falso team found out, after searching for the truth of the agreement, that on December 13, 2022, the charter “and reconciliation is better” was approved in the city of Rome, Italy. This charter is an initiative to reach a peaceful solution to coexistence among the people of Murzuq and the Tabu living in Murzuq.  The Minister of Health Ramadan Bujnah and several political actors were present That proves that there was no agreement between Bujnah and the Organization that would contribute to the settlement of migrants.


As for what is known as the settlement initiative, it was clear from the statement issued by the Libyan National Security Council that this Initiative was carried out in partnership between the Arapache organization and the International Center for Advanced Agricultural Studies in the Mediterranean ( Siam Bari ) and has nothing to do with Bujnah.


On another hand, the Minister of Labor and Rehabilitation in the Government of National Unity has allegedly signed agreements with external international organizations (SuperNovae), which are alleged to fight the Islamic religion, ethics and customs.


However, after looking for the source of information in the official pages of the Ministry, it was found that on Thursday, May 4, 2023, a vocational center was opened in Janzour, Tripoli, to help young people previously involved in armed conflicts reintegrat into the labor market. The news mentioned nothing related to fighting any ethics or principles of the Libyans.


It is worth mentioning that this project is implemented by SuperNovae Organization in partnership with the Ministry of Labor and Rehabilitation in its National Rehabilitation and Reintegration Project. SuperNovae is an organization known as an international non-profit organization specialized in empowering youth in conflict-affected countries. It has not announced any project in Libya that would fight or affect the Islamic religion or general ethics.


The allegation is therefore misleading.


Sources of the allegation:  

Thieves of Libya 

Spoilers in the land 

Inoueji Moussa Salem 

Libya only

The Black Box of Libyan Corruption

Libya we no longer understand , backup plan


Verification Links:  

the Libyan National Security Council 

Ministry of Labour and Rehabilitation
