professional standards for verification of
coverage the current events


Clarity and comprehensiveness : That is, any news article must be complete and comprehensive for truths, not fragmented nor biased towards certain entity while focusing on real sources, and it must answers the five questions (who, why, how, when, what) also clarifying the context and backgrounds of the event.

In addition to the necessity to present the press content in a specific manner by stating facts, correct names of people and locations, not to present old contents, nor mentioning of controversial facts that lack real sources, the usage of concepts or phrases directing the readers underestimating their ability to comprehend the truth, or spreading of news and information on unknown sources withholding from mentioning them would be considered a breach of the professional conduct, and a manipulation of news and information


Second :

 Accuracy and objectivity : is one of the foundations to build trust between, media outlet and its Libyan audience, it is a must for media outlets to describe the truth as it is, with no frills nor mixing personal opinion, misleading information, attributing it to specific parties, also the accuracy and objectivity make it imperative for journalists in the newsroom to check how many of the information and facts are relevant to the current reality, accuracy means: is to avoid professional errors in all of their forums

The indicators must be accurately measured, to avoid miss information, not mentioning the source of the news material, using incorrect numbers, distorting quotes out of its context, amending published news, after investigation and verification, and to always refer opinions to their correct sources



balance : is the processes of transmitting information and opinions from its sources equally, without any judgments or evaluation, insuring balance between the public interest and the principles of limiting harm

Covering armed conflict and hot political news is considered of the utmost sensitivity required to achieve a balance between all situations, while it is measured in the presentation of resources and the use of language, away from exaggerations and balance in giving equal areas to all parties.


Fourth :

neutrality and fairness : that is there must not be any favoritism in covering news, presenting a one angled vision, based on interest and deliberate bias, and how it’s necessary to avoid distortion, marginalization, exaggeration, or retaliation to serve the internet of certain entities.

Measuring the indicators of neutrality and fairness can be done, though journalistic articles, that reflects a single view with others multi-viewed ones, biased and beguilement are usually intentional from parties, as well as selective deletion of text, amendment of facts, supporting data, and other people’s view, the conflict between the title and body of the news, and execration of news in favor of specific parties,

you find the indication that it is necessary according to the indicators that the media should stay away from the interpretation of what the source of the news or information said, and not to publish any accusations without clear evidence